Are You Ready For Christ?

BibleNote: One of the first things that came to me as a baby Christian in 1989 was this sketch of Jesus returning. The picture was finished Feb. 11, 1990, and then I asked the Lord for a poem, and the following poem was given to me...

Are you ready for Christ to come back to earth,
And claim all His children with their rebirth.
When dead stand before God whether be small or great,
And simply line up there before Him to wait.
The sea gives up those dead in it now;
Death and Hades deliver dead somehow.
Books are opened up for God to see;
The Book of Life judges you and me.
Each one judged according to their works;
Making account for all idle words.
Those not in the Book, the liars;
Are cast down into the lake of fire.
All things made new from heaven above;
Filling New Jerusalem with God's lasting love.
Now the old heaven, and the old earth
Were passed away from this new birth.
God wipes away every tear from our eyes;
Death, sorrow, crying, pain are not realized.
For the fountain of life we no longer need wait;
Living in the city with twelve pearly gates.

[Rev. 20:12-21:21]

BibleNote: No sooner did I complete the poem then I was immediately given the following drawing.

Copyright Feb. 11, 1990 BLFF
As I studied God's word over the years I came upon scriptures I realized I had depicted.
2 Chr. 26:9 "And Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the corner gate, at
the valley gate, and at the corner buttress of the wall. Then he
fortified them."
(Found Mar. 18, 1990)
Deut. 32:22 "...And set on fire the foundations of the
(Found Sept. 7, 1990)
Isa. 2:19

They shall go into the holes of the
And into the caves of the "earth (Lit. dust).
From the terror of the Lord
And the glory of his majesty,
When he arises to shake the earth
(Found Feb. 2, 1994)
See (Sketch Gallery - pages 19 & 21)

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All Scripture taken from the NKJV Open Bible
Copyright 1983 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission, all rights reserved.

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Copyright Dec. 25, 1999 - BLFF