The Dinosaur Was Made With Man

Gen. 1:24-31 "Then God said, 'Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind'; and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind... And God saw that it was good." (vs. 24-25).
"Then God said, 'Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness...." (vs. 26).
"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day." (vs. 31)
See (All Was Made Through Jesus)
BibleNote: All the beasts of the earth and man were made together, on the same day. The sixth day.
Job 40:15-24

"Look now at the *behemoth, (identity unknown)
   which I made along with you;
He eats grass like an ox." (vs. 15).
BibleNote: God is directing Job to "look at" this beast who eats grass. Some translations say this is an elephant or a hippo.

"See now, his strength is in his hips,
And his power is in his stomach
He moves his tail like a cedar...." (vs. 16-17)
BibleNote: The University Society Encyclopedia, copyright 1974 by Excelsior Trading Corp., (USE # 4) says "The cedar of Lebanon, is mentioned often in the Bible as a symbol of power...grows to about 100 ft. and has wide-spreading branches."

"His bones are like beams of bronze,
His ribs like bars of iron." (vs. 18)
BibleNote: Neither the elephant or hippo can boast a tail with such power, or this type of strength.

"He is the first of the ways of God;
Only He who made him can bring near
   His sword.
Surely the mountains yield food for
And all the beasts of the field play
   there." (vs.19-20)
BibleNote: This thing is so big man can't hurt it. (USE # 7) states the elephants "enter plantations...destroying crops." Have you ever heard of an elephant in the mountains? Also man hunts elephants for their tusks.

"He lies under the lotus trees,
In a covert of reeds and marsh.
The lotus trees cover him with their
The willows by the brook surround him.
Indeed the river may rage,
Yet he is not disturbed;
He is confident, though the Jordan
   gushes into his mouth,
Though he takes it in his eyes,
Or one pierces his nose with a snare." (vs.21-24)
BibleNote: (USE # 9) says a hippo is "hunted with harpoons." and "...spends much of its time floating at the surface or walking about at the bottom of the water, rising periodically to inhabits swamps and dense forests." Realistically we must see that dinosaurs were not created when man thinks they were.

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All Scripture taken from the NKJV Open Bible
Copyright 1983 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
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