On Eagles' Wings

Exod. 19:4 "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to Myself."
Bible Note: My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and on June 22nd I told him, "What you need to do is ask God to help you." He said, "I am asking Him every day." I said, "You need to ask Him to forgive you for your sins." He said, "OK." I said, "And to come into your heart." He said, "OK." Then I said,"Now give me your hand." When he did I prayed, "Father, we come to you as husband and wife in the midst of our situation asking for Your grace and mercy. Restore my husband so he can choose Life in Jesus' name. Amen." He said, "OK." Then I said, "Let Your will be done in Jesus' name. Amen." He said, "OK." On July 7th a bald eagle flew right over me as I drove out of my driveway. I said,"Oh my God, Oh my God." I told him on the 8th, "You know how I always wanted to see a bald eagle? One flew right over me!" He said, "Good." On the 9th my husband ws taken home. 7 is completion, 8 is new beginnings, and there are 9 fruits and 9 gifts of the Spirit. The eagle was a sign from God that he received my husband at his time of need. Then God bore him on eagles wings to Himself on the 9th as a gift. What a wonderful gift. I know I'll see him again.
Deut. 32:11-12 "As an eagle stirs up its nest,
Hovers over its young,
Spreading out its wings, taking them
Carrying them on its wings,
So the Lord alone led him..."
Psa. 103:1-5 Bless the Lord, O my soul;
And all that is within me, bless His
   holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases,
Who redeems your life from
Who crowns you with lovingkindness
   and tender mercies,
Who satisfies your mouth with good
So that your youth is renewed like the
Isa. 40:8 "The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands
Bible Note: This is why I qualify what I say with Scripture. Because the person does not validate the Word of God. The Word of God validates the person!
Isa. 40:31 "But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."
See (Renewing From God - Goes Beyond The Mind)
5-2-92 Aglow Word through Carol W. - "God sees your tender heart, He knows your pain. Who better than Jesus Who suffered so much. He wants to use you. Wait on Him. Do it His way, and in His timing He will let you fly and bear you up on eagles' wings."
Bible Note: The following song was given to me by the Lord on May 15, 1992, and has been shared over the years many times to encourage people.
May 15, 1992 Song

The time is coming it's almost here,
My Father tells me to show no fear.
He'll bear me up on eagles' wing,
When His love shines a song I'll sing.

He lights my path to show the way,
I press to hear His word each day.
Then as I choose His way to try
He lifts me up and lets me fly.

Though tears I shed some days with Him
The joy must come so I don't sin.
His Holy Spirit is there for me,
He brings me through for all to see.

Listen to the song.

Bible Note: By the turn of the century the Lord provided a man to put all these studies on the internet for me. It took him 6 months to create the program, and it remained on there for 5 years. As I was not able to maintain the site it was eventually taken off. I blessed him and his wife with a set of china and crystal.
10-28-07 Word

Through Elaine Mc C at church - "God is going to bear you up on eagles' wings." I replied "He told me that in the nineties." She exhorted "It is going to happen."
Bible 11-4-07 Note: The book "Pictures For Jesus" fulfilled that word. I was sharing with Carol L. about this confirmation. Having it told to me 15 years ago, and now. Then I shared the song as well. The books are traveling the world with missionaries.
Bible 11-5-07 Note: I also shared the song with Carol D. after delivering books for her entire family, and she said, by the Spirit of the Lord, "This is only the beginning for you."
Bible 11-12-07 Note: I dreamt all night that I was going back to Israel. I'd spent the last few years out in the wilderness, and as the last poem in my book says "...no matter how far we go we can always come home to Jesus." It's a wonderful thing to know He loves us even when we fall, and He's there to pick us up as we call on Him again.
Bible 11-20-09 Note: I was surprised to search out and design yet another book, The Indiana Art Association Through The Years, which received a 2nd place Non - Professional in an exhibit. The Judge said "I like the idea of this book, and I like the way it is accomplished. I think it is a homage to the organization and a valuable document for the future. And it's particularly nice that it's handsomely done." The main point of the book about our local art association is to use any gift you have to help other people.
See (Talent - A Play On Words?)
Bible 4-7-14 Note: "The Word With Lucia" disc was given to Rosemary R. who graciously reformatted it to resurrect the site. With blurred vision I persevered to proof the site. I prayed "Lord, if You want me to do this I need to be able to see it clearly." I struggled along proofing until 7-26-14 at which time I said "Done." Then I heard rolling thunder, and exclaimed "Good! God is happy that I finished the studies."

2 Sam. 22:14 "The Lord thundered from heaven,
And the Most High uttered His voice."
Bible 10-17-14 Note: "A Journey To Israel"; a 126 photo power point presentation was added to my web site! I may not be able to go back there, but others can view it with my pictures.
10-26-14 Note: When the eye Dr. said I had early, early, cataracts I had a silent request of the Lord. I prayed in my heart: "Lord, if You want me to do this, I need to be able to see clearly." Then at a Billy Burke meeting I went up for prayer for vertigo, and when I got back up my eyes were clear! I gave praise to God the very next night saying: "The Lord took the blurry out of my eyes." I have been editing this sight ever since then. God is indeed good!
Bible12-15-14 Note: I was praying and the following poem came to me. My first book, "Mother Goose Rhymes For Biblical Times", (copyright 12-25-89) went around the world with missionaries. God keeps His word.
Bible 12-15-14 Note: After updating my studies for almost a year I went back to see Billy Burke in Monroeville to give him my testimony. I said I was "the woman who went down for tinnitus, and came up with clear eyes." He asked what was wrong with my eyes. I said I had early, early cataracts. I shared I also edited my site, and had put my testimony of being healed there on it. I said, "I drove home." He asked what direction I went. I said, "Forward." And the entire room full of people cracked up. Including Billy and I. He said, "I like seeing you laugh." And touched me. I went down laughing, and came back up the same way. A little later he gave a paraphrase of 2 Kin. 7 and said the lepers thought, "If we go back, we'll die; if we stay here, we'll die; we should go forward; we can only but die." And he encouraged us all to "Go forward." So it looks like I said the right thing after all. Like Peter walking on water (in Matt. 14:29), with his eyes on Jesus; Let's go forward!
12-25-90 poem:
1123 pm
Here it is only one year from the date
I typed up some poetry at an alarming rate;
In thirty nine days, eighty four rhymes I got,
Plus a beartiful poem from inside of a thought.

Then as I listended, "The Son of Man" rhyme,
Came into my head in plenty of time;
Illustrations for all, and scriptures came too
So the sad old verses wouldn't end so blue.

My Dad, when he heard, told of his two rhymes
Written for my Mom in a loving time;
But verses added came from heaven above
To show of God's Son's everlasting love.

I put these all on to a special tape
Which I shared with others because I could not wait;
Now though I did not realize it just then
God had a plan He would tell me when.

So I hurried to put them in twelve little books
Copyrighted for Christmas no matter the looks;
Now God did surprise me in His good time
To complete His book of heavenly rhymes.

The next decade was spent sending those books
All around the world for anyone who took;
They reached out to some countries far and wide
Through missionaries who would so oblige.

Now I' happy to inform any who care
You can look on my website to see it there;
If you are able, and understand how,
It all can be downloaded free for your child.
Bible12-15-14 Note: But now, 25 years later, the last two stanza's have been given to me to give the whereabouts of the book, "Mother Goose Rhymes For Biblical Times," which is now free on my site. Hallelujah!!!
See (Mother Goose Rhymes For Biblical Times)

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All Scripture taken from the NKJV Open Bible
Copyright 1983 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission, all rights reserved.

Contents and text contained on these pages
may not be copied without permission.
Copyright Dec. 25, 1999 - BLFF