King of Glory

Welcome to "The Word With Lucia..."

How to use the Bible Studies:


An Asterisk before a word or phrase is used to indicate definitions or referrals set in parentheses after the verse.


The abbreviation Lit. and Italic type specify a Literal Translation for a particular word or phrase in the text.


The word Or and Italic type denotes an Alternate Translation that is different than the text, but is justified by the Original Language.


A word or phrase in Regular Type is an Equivalent Translation which is similar in meaning, but is used for clarification.


The abbreviations Heb. in the Old Testament, and Gr. or Aram. in the New Testament are definitions from the Original Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic languages.

( )

Parentheses with the word (example) point to a sample scripture, and clicking on the link preceeded by (see) brings you to another study that expands on that subject.


The abbreviation vs. printed after a verse designates the specific passage of scripture quoted before it.


Italic type structured as verse in the New Testament are passages that reflect the poetic form and beauty of the Original Hebrew from the Old Testament, or Greek, or Aramaic Language.


Red type in the New Testament signifies Words spoken by Jesus Christ.

"Israel insight"

The words Israel insight above a Menorah designate some things Lucia learned while on her Galilee Winter Study trip to Israel in January of 1995.


The word Note: marks a personal observation of Lucia, or a testimony she chose to share.


The photos, marked by bold type, were taken in Israel by Lucia, and the sketches were anointed by God as she drew for Him.


Poetry from Lucia's early walk with Jesus have been added.