King of Glory

Welcome to "The Word With Lucia..."

Mother Goose Mother Goose Rhymes
for Biblical Times

If you download a copy of this book please email me so I can add the location to my list of places it has traveled in the world. Thank you, and enjoy the book. Copyright Dec. 25, 1989 - BLFF


Sketches Sketches by Lucia

Mother GoosePictures for Jesus

The color book is $5.00, and the
B&W Coloring book is a $2.00 donation.
Note: Coloring books can be personalized with your child's name​ on the back.
Teacher's Study Guide available free.

Copyright 2007 by Barbara L. Fritsch.
All rights reserved.

Sketches The Indiana Art Association Through The Years

The IAA book is a $20.00 donation.

The Indiana Art Association Through The Years - Copyright 2009 by Barbara L. Fritsch. All rights reserved.

If you would like more information on how to place an order for either the Pictures for Jesus book set or the Indiana Art Association Through The Years book, click here. I would love to hear your remarks on the site as well. May the Lord bless all who visit.